When you owe back taxes, it’s important to resolve the situation as soon as you can. The longer you let unpaid taxes linger in your account, the more interest and penalties will accrue, allowing your total debt balance to snowball. Luckily, Munoz & Company, CPA, is standing by to provide the tax help you need to get past back tax problems and become financially secure once more. I’m able to provide tax assistance to individuals and business entities throughout the greater Orlando area. Whether you filed a single tax return late or your delinquent taxes go back up to 10 years, I’ll work hard to help you get your finances back on track. Ready to book your initial consultation? Call today for a free cost estimate!
Depending on how severe your back tax problems have become, I might offer you any of the following services:
- Helping you gather tax filing paperwork
- Filing any and all late tax returns
- Correcting misfiled returns
- Assisting with streamlined FBAR filing
- Petitioning to have penalties lifted from your account
- Negotiating tax settlements to help you pay your debt
- Advising you on avoiding back taxes in the future
Seeking professional tax assistance when you’re dealing with delinquent taxes can keep you from panicking and making mistakes you’ll regret. For instance, you might be tempted to pay what you owe using retirement funds or a high-interest credit card, just to get the IRS off your back. I’ll be able to find an alternative repayment strategy that makes better financial sense. I’ll look at your specific situation to determine if you’re eligible for any tax settlements or other methods of resolving IRS back taxes that won’t cause long-term financial harm. I’ll always look for the best possible solution to your problems.
30 Years of Tax Help Experience
One of the things that sets Munoz & Company, CPA, apart from other companies offering help with back taxes in Orlando is the fact that I have three decades of experience on the job. As a licensed CPA, I’ll put my training and experience to work for you, aiming to find a customized solution that satisfies the IRS’s demands while also improving your situation. Hire me to help you file back taxes and look forward to feeling like you’re in capable hands.
Munoz & Company, CPA, is proud to be affiliated with the American Society of Tax Problem Solvers, the National Association of Tax Professionals, the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), and the Florida Institute of CPAs. I prioritize customer service and quality workmanship, aiming to give my clients a top-notch back taxes help experience. If unpaid taxes are keeping you up at night, you’ve come to the right place. Call today!